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l l Hong An Thien Chua l l

Han Hoan Chao Don Den Hong An Thien Chua - The Roman Catholic

Rating: G - General Audience, including minors

Vietnamese 3 0


Virtual Gifts 1

  • friedchicken

Followers 2480

Recent Reviews

  • 5/5

    Pros: Wonderful:Giesu Maria Giuse,con men yeu,,xin thuong xot con,con la ke co toi...A_Men.

    Cons: Lay Me Maria,xin Me cau cung Chua, chua lanh the gioi chung con dang trong benh dich COVID 19.Nguyen Xin Me Maria cuu lay cac Linh Hon qua doi vi benh

  • 5/5

    Pros: Excellet Giesu Maria Giuse I love U.

    Cons: Nguyen xin Me Maria cuu vot cac Linh Hon & cac Linh Hon Mo Coi noi luyen nguc...A_Men.

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