Media Library Upload Policy
The same upload rules apply for People and Groups. You may not upload photos or videos that are copyrighted or depict nudity, illegal activities, racism, or other subjects deemed inappropriate by Paltalk and the user community. Additionally, each Group may have its own upload policy. The owner, admin, or co-admin may remove files they feel are inappropriate.

Using the Message Boards
Our goal with Groups is to allow our users a free-form avenue of expression, as long as you follow a few basic rules. Just like Paltalk chatrooms, each Group has a rating chosen by the owner, which will alert you to what is appropriate.

  • G-rated: adult language and topics are not allowed at all
  • R-rated: adult language is allowed, but not topics related to sexuality
  • Adult-rated: adult language and topics related to sexuality are allowed
In general, please try to stay on-topic in the message boards. If a Group is called "Vintage Cars", don't talk about soccer. Group owners may also set additional rules for the message boards, so be sure to read the Group's policy page. And finally, as a reminder: the same rules that apply to People also apply to Groups. We do not tolerate hate-speech, harassment of users, illegal activities, and spam.

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