Incomplete PayPal transactions

We do not accept payment from PayPal accounts, which are not verified, and the email address is not confirmed.

Please get a verified PayPal account at then login into and pay here.

note:  PayPal and Paltalk are separate, unrelated  business entities and the similarity of the names in no way implies that Paltalk is responsible for any dispute that you may have with PayPal.

If you request help thru our email ticketing system please be sure to include the following information

nickname - the exact spelling of the nickname you paid for, including spaces, underscores and dashes

email address - the email address you used when you registered this nickname with Paltalk

secret question and answer - for verification of ownership we require that you correctly identify your 'secret question and answer'

verified PayPal email - the verified PayPal email address you use when making PayPal payments

transaction ID # - the PayPal transaction ID number that was issued at the time of purchase

click HERE to proceed to the help form