Miscellaneous settings

show welcome tab on startup
turns the welcome tab on and off

note:   this setting does not take effect until you log off and back on

keep pal list window on top
Forces your pal list window to stay on the top of other application windows.

default to pals tab on startup
forces the pals tab to the front when you start paltalk

bold nicknames on pal list
makes your list of pals bold or not

file transfer
Select the directory where you want to store incoming file transfers.

auto save IM and group font settings
Saves all of the settings you make to Paltalk windows so that they open the same way as you left them

global hot key for speaking
If selected lets you pick a key on your keyboard to that will 'key up' even if no Paltalk windows are visible. GREAT for gamers!

set microphone to 'push to talk' upon entering IM conversation
sets the default 'talk mode' to push to talk when you start an audio enabled 'super IM'
see talk mode

super IM video viewer settings
When someone you are IMing with starts their video or you enter into or are invited into a super IM session where people are publishing their video from their web cams you have several options regarding the way video will be displayed by default.  It should be noted that IM or super IM are NOT rated and therefore you cannot be assured that video in super IM sessions is appropriate for all ages.

o - automatically show me their video
if someone is publishing or starts publishing their video it will automatically be displayed with no interaction from you, regardless of whether the person is on your pal list or not.

o - automatically show me their video if they are on my pal list  (recommended default setting)
if someone is publishing or starts publishing their video it will automatically be displayed with no interaction from you, but only if the user is on your pal list

this setting lets you elect to view video only from pals to present 'unwanted surprises' when viewing video.

o - don't automatically show me their video but let me manually view it
you will have to manually elect to view a person's video by selecting their name from the drop down list in the video strip